Filippo Zimmermann
“Since the advent of the digital era, religious iconography has gradually accessed another dimension of reality. The spiritual has merged with the virtual, making these two intangible fields unexpectedly similar. Christian Iconography in the Digital Space: from decay to metamorphosis is a research project developed in the Studio Digital Native at Design Academy Eindhoven; it wants to track the process of digitalization of Christian divine representations and the transition that these were subjected in the tumultuous yet spontaneous online platforms. The following project will guide you from the spiritual crisis, until a drastic subversion and memefication of Christian iconography in the XXI century.”
“What is the half-life of a meme? What is the rate at which a good-natured meme dacays into the grossest display [of] public ridicule?”
︎︎︎Lauren Michele Jackson
THE ENERGY ATLAS is a collective pubblication in collaboration with my class in the Studio TechnoGeographies at Design Academy Eindhoven, led by Martina Muzi. Each of the participant had to individually research a topic regarding energy, my personal interest relied on the video archive of the Italian National Hydrocarbons Board (Eni). Throughout a five months period of time, I investigated the audio-visual material that the Italian oil and natural gas company pubblished from 1950 to today. The research process and its visualisation brought to a visual installation presented as a prototype of a final outcome.
is a theater project directed, scripted and designed by Filippo Zimmermann, with the participation of Maria Teresa Capponceli, performed on November 2018 for Essere primitivo theatre festival at Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio in Cesena, Italy.
the following are explorations of game engines, 3D softwares, point clouds and AR. They were developped over the workshop at Studio Technogeographies guided by Ibiye Camp.